English Department Mission Statement
The Piscataway High School English Department is dedicated to helping our students understand the importance of effective communication. Our goal is to teach students to become astute, close readers, proficient writers, critical thinkers and effective communicators. Using various genres of literature, as well as non-fiction texts, we teach our students the value of thoughtful reading as well as how to make connections between a text, themselves, and the world around them. Through small and whole group discussions, Socratic seminars, in-class debates, and literature circles, we provide our students with a positive classroom environment that invites participation and discussion. Our English teachers are devoted to teaching students the writing skills that are necessary for college preparation, including argumentative, expository, and analytical writing, and in developing higher-level thinking skills, which are all essential for a successful life after high school.
We are committed to a department culture centered in high expectations, academic engagement and authentic learning for all of our students.